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Era Pov Organisation

Era Pov work with societies in the fight against poverty, corruption,food sustainability, engage in manufacturing of food products and creating opportunities for communities

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About us

Era pov stands for eradicating poverty, we do exactly what the word says, fighting to eradicate poverty. Era Pov is Registered both in the UK as a profitable business and Gambia as none profit organization. 
We do not go around asking people to donate money, We believe those who need help should be invested on for them to able to continuously grow themselves and be self-reliant, instead of always waiting for someone else to give them before they could survive.

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Creating Employment

Creating employment opportunities has always been one of our main priorities , We try to use human labour anywhere possible, avoiding an excessive reliance on Machines. We create daily earning for Workers looking to earn income to feed their families. Below images include women  unshelling and hand picking peanuts, men stacking bags of food and female farmers, most of the process could be easily done by machine run by one individual with less cost, but instead we use manual labour and pay them per day. There is more cost involve, but one of the main objectives is to create employment.


Creating opportunities in Agriculture, food sustainability and affordability

We work and support small scale farmers, who are farming to support their children education and livelihood. They all work with Era Pov selling us all their products at a better price, Era Pov also provide them with Training and  guidance on the type of products they need to farm and how to gain a higher yield from their farming, 
We also teach them on food health and safety, how to prepare there products for both pre and post harvest. Since they started working with Era Pov, they all have experience a great positive changes in their lives.
Some of the issues we encounter with some of the women since they started working with Era Pov and making better income from their products, was focusing less on their farming and spending more time attending local ceremonies and arrange parties within the community, We had to intervene and educate them on financial Management and discipline. This has help them quiet a lot in managing their finances and putting it into better use. 
We  fully involve in the lives of those that we work with, making sure that we providing them with 360 degree help.

Awa Bojang

Mrs Awa Bojang, is a farmer and supplier of Mbor Mbor leaves to Era Pov. Before working with Era Pov, Mrs Bojang, use to farm her Mbor Mbor Plant during the rainy season which usually last for 6 months, but she always struggle to sell her products. She use to store most of her product all year around without having a buyer, after so much intense and hard work, working under the scorching hot sun and rain in most cases.

Mrs Bojang use to burn most of her farm produce after storing them for a year due to lack or low demand. Since working with Era Pov, she has not just been selling all her harvested herbal tea leaves to Era Pov, but now looking to increase the amount of product she is farming.

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Sana Fatty

Mr Sana Fatty farm a local fruit called baobab, there baobab farm has been own by his family for generations, it is a superfood, good for different health purpose when consumed.
Mr Fatty Approached Era Pov during one of our visits to other farms nearby, he explain to us how much he struggle to sell his baobab fruits, and financially struggle to send his kids to school. Era Pov were not engage in the manufacturing of such product, but after an in-depth  research, we realize that the international Market are gradually becoming more aware of the product,
We started buying  and manufacturing his products and  from others  too who are engage in the farming of the baobab product. Since then Mr Sana Fatty was able to send his kids back to school and help his family with their basic needs.

Sunkar Ceesay

Mrs Sunkar Ceesay has always been a hibiscus farmer and other farm produce, she is one of the first farmers Era Pov worked with, her determination, hard work, dedication, and her awareness for high quality standard in food regulation, she impress Era Pov with her dedication and hard work.

Sunkar was later employed by Era Pov to work in our Manufacturing plant, to emulate her high standards and to earn more whilst working for us. She is still maintaining her farm, manage by her family member.

Binta Bojang

Mrs Binta Bojang, works with plants called Moringa, a tree type whose leaves are purposeful for different health factors, We taught Binta how to process the leaves, Provide her with food health and safety training and also buy it from her,  
Binta use to sit at home everyday and wait for her husband to go to work and find means of feeding the family, but since she started working with Era Pov, the family has been in a better financial situation, she is supporting both her husband and kids financially.

Buba Njie

Mr Buba Njie has been farming peppers for years, he struggled with selling his products and also harvest a very low yield from his farm, since he started working with Era Pov, we provided him with training on how to increase his farming output, since then he has gone from producing 24 kilos per season to over half a tone, and Era Pov buying all his product at a fair price which he uses to help himself and his family.

Saja Biyaye

Mr Saja Biyaye, has been a peanut farmer for years, he never had any other mean of selling his product apart from the middlemen, and they always offer him a very low price, but since he started working with Era Pov, he has always manage to sell his farm produce to us at a very attractive price which he has always been very happy with.
The first time we met Mr Saja he was working with his 12 year old son, who was helping his father on the farm, We clearly told him Era Pov is against child labour regardless if the child is yours or somebody elses, we cannot work with or purchase produce of those who use the help of their own or other children under the age of 18, since then he has send his child back to school and earning enough money to able to look after his whole family.

Landing Sanyang

Landing work as a driver, he was often use by Era Pov staffs for their travels,Mr Landing has always struggled to meet end needs for his family, through a conversation with Era Pov staffs, he was told what we do, he explain to us that he have a farm of cashew in their village, but he barely earns much from it, that’s why he have to work as a driver to able to feed his family.
Era Pov visited Mr Landing farm, and since then we have been working with him, buying his products at a fair price. Landing has currently quit working as a driver and fully focus on his farming.

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Eradicating poverty through human empowerment, helping people benefit from the things they work or believe in, and create opportunities for those without knowledge, idea or work to embark on.

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Copyright © 2021-2022 Era Pov Organisation. Registration No: 2020/C10424